Case Study - EV Charging Solution for Solar Clients


Monica and Roger, previous clients and residents of Weymouth, Dorset, approached us seeking further sustainable energy solutions for their home, in the form of a new EV charge point. They had previously invested in a 5kW PV system coupled with a 9.5kW battery, demonstrating their commitment to clean energy generation and storage. Having previously completed a successful installation of the aforementioned equipment, we were asked back for more works.


With their existing solar infrastructure in place, Monica and Roger aimed to further optimize their energy usage by incorporating an electric vehicle (EV) into their lifestyle. They sought a seamless integration solution that would allow them to utilize surplus solar energy for powering their vehicle, thereby reducing their reliance on grid electricity and motoring costs.


AS Mechanical and Electrical Ltd. proposed the installation of a Givenergy 7kW EV charge point, strategically chosen for its compatibility with the Givenergy inverter and battery system already installed at Monica and Roger's residence. This integration offered them the convenience of managing their solar energy production, storage, and EV charging through a single, user-friendly app interface.

example of solar supplying energy to the car, home and battery storage, for this installation in march 2024.

Installation Process

The installation process commenced with planning to ensure optimal placement and efficient connectivity. As the charge point needed to be linked to the main board in the basement, extensive cable routing was necessary. The charge point required a direct connection to the board, along with its own breaker. The cables were carefully run along the side of the house, spanning one floor up to the desired location on street level, in front of the garage. Despite the complexity of the installation, AS Mechanical and Electrical Ltd. completed the project in just over a day.


The successful integration of the Givenergy 7kW charge point has enabled Monica and Roger to fully harness the benefits of their solar investment. They now enjoy the freedom of sustainable, cost-effective motoring, utilizing surplus solar energy during the day and taking advantage of off-peak charging at night when solar generation is insufficient, especially during winter months. The seamless operation and accessibility of the charging point with the existing solar system has enhanced their overall experience, empowering them to embrace eco-friendly transportation without compromising on convenience.


The collaboration between AS Mechanical and Electrical Ltd. and Monica and Roger exemplifies the potential for synergy between renewable energy generation, storage, and electric vehicle adoption. By providing tailored solutions and expert installation services, AS Mechanical and Electrical Ltd. continues to drive the transition towards sustainable living, one client at a time.

For AS Mechanical and Electrical Ltd., Monica and Roger's case stands as a testament to their commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction in the field of clean energy solutions.